Scramble for Rights in Zhejiang Railway Agitation in the Late Qing Dynasty
中文关键词:  浙路风潮|保路运动|路权|铁路国有化
英文关键词:  The Zhejiang Railway Agitation|the Railway Protection Movement|rights on railway|nationalization of railway
摘要点击次数: 608
全文下载次数: 36
      The Zhejiang Railway Agitation in the late Qing Dynasty involved multiple conflicts of interests between China and Britain, the central and local governments, and the government and the common people. During the agitation, various parties engaged in a prolonged benefit game playing focusing on the formulation and implementation of a series of regulations and contracts such as the Draft Suzhou-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway Contract and Concise Railway Regulations, and tried to maximize their own interests by making full use of law. The Draft Suzhou-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway Contract was originally a political loan contract between China and Britain and a product of the unequal relationship between China and foreign countries. Although the Qing Government approved the establishment of the Zhejiang Road Company with the intention of recovering the railway rights and saving the nation from danger, the railway agitation actually intensified the tension between the central and local governments. The Qing Government was unable to deal with internal and external crises, i.e., neither it had enough strength to negotiate with Britain on the abolition of the treaty, nor was able to deal with the relationship between the central and local governments. Especially, it adopted the Company Law but did not abide by the relevant provisions in the law, thus lost the trust of the people and caused its own legitimacy crisis.
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