The Dual Legal Structure of Personal Data Transactions
中文关键词:  数据要素|数据交易|个人信息保护|知情同意
英文关键词:  data factor|data transaction|personal information protection|informed consent
摘要点击次数: 1288
全文下载次数: 83
      Personal data transactions are dynamic and non-exclusive in nature because of the facts that parties to the data transactions are in a continuous data collection or transfer relationship after contracting and neither of them has exclusive control over personal data. These characteristics of data transactions make it illogical to consider data transactions as some kind of sale relationship, and data processing cannot be simply understood as the performance of the contract. The difference between the contractual relationship and the data collection or transfer relationship leads to the dual legal structure of data transactions. A complete single personal data transaction contains the promise as a contractual act and the consent as the legal basis for data processing, and the former is the declaration of intent and the latter is a quasi-legal act. Correspondingly, a whole transaction should also be observed on the basis of the composition of contractual relationship and data processing relationship. The former is mainly adjusted by rules of the Civil Code, while the latter is the normative object of the Personal Information Protection Law. The consent of personal information subject is, in principle, not subject to the rules of legal conduct. Therefore, contractual rules and personal information processing rules separately regulate different parts of personal data transactions and there is no conflict between them. Considering that personal information processing is also a contract performance, contractual rules and personal information protection rules can by exception penetrate the dual legal structure of data transactions to achieve a dynamic balance between encouraging data flow and protecting personal information.
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