Filial Morality: the Core Value of Chinese Legal Tradition
中文关键词:  孝道;传统法律;孝道法文化
英文关键词:  filial piety;traditional law;filial legal culture
摘要点击次数: 1637
全文下载次数: 2307
      The idea of “filial morality” is the gem of the traditional Chinese culture that has a profound influence on China's traditional legal system. The integration of “filial morality” and law started in the “three dynasties in remote antiquity”, namely Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, continuously developed in the Qin and Han Dynasties, until a complete legal system centered on filial piety was ultimately formed in the Tang Dynasty. Accordingly, the traditional legislative system was instituted under the guidance of “filial piety”, which had the triple meanings of “always benefiting kindred”, “serving ancestors with filial devotion” and “prudently attending the elders' funeral ceremony”, and an elaborately designed feudal legal system against “unfilial crimes” was established. Thus, the operation of the law took the protection of “filial morality” as its ultimate goal, resulting in various moral principles or conventional rules that gave priority to ethical doctrines over law, such as the “system of permitting culprit to support lineal elders” and “tolerance for revenge”. The idea of “filial morality”,therefore,had become the core value of the legislative and judicial systems and constituted a unique and consistent “filial legal culture”, which played a crucial role in the construction of social order and development of humanity throughout the ancient Chinese history until its disintegration at the end of the Qing dynasty. Today, in the process of building a harmonious society, a creative transformation of the traditional “filial legal culture” will contribute greatly to carrying forward the reasonable elements of the traditional Chinese legal culture and promoting the construction of the legal system in China.
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